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Monday, November 16, 2009

For You, For Me... A Funhouse

Somewhere along the line, October came & slapped me in the face with excitement. I realize this blog was due weeks ago but I’m just now trying to catch up so go back with me a little bit if you may. I got to see Pink at MSG which was awesome & that word could definitely be used for some of the concert goers there. There was a ride range of people from your str8’s to your gays to your lesbians to women who looked they had either been on a Rock of Love show or had at least auditioned for it. At one point a girl behind me was yelling out, “I freaking love you Alicia!” Another goes, “Who is Alicia?” She responded, “That’s Pink’s real name bitch!” Totally saying it in a Rock of Love I had too many tequila shots kind of way. Amazing, and the same can be said for Pink. Baddest str8 lesbian pop singer around. My highlights were ‘Family Portrait’ done with just the piano & I loved the acoustic section with ‘I Don’t Believe You’ & some other tracks. She did a few too many covers which left me wondering why she didn’t do some other of her older songs but I still had an amazing time. Her cover of The Divinyls ‘I Touch Myself’ was uber sexed up & I loved it. All in all a really fucking awesome show! Sorry, my inner lesbian came out.

No lesbians could be seen at my next show a week after. It was gays galore at Kylie Minogue’s show at the Hammerstein Ballroom. I had been looking forward to her show for months because this was her first time touring in the states ever. I had met her at a Virgin megastore signing during the release of Fever & as I think I have stated many times before I’ve been a fan since she came out with ‘The Loco-Motion’ in 88. For me, the show was absolutely great. I had made my way to the front with my friend Danny. Somehow everyone else got really far away from me, but when it comes to getting close to a diva I tend to lose all my peeps. Musically, the show was brilliant. She took portions from all her past shows (which I have on DVD) and put them into this show. I can also say this was the gayest show I’ve seen from any of my divas. There were boys dancing with boys & girls dancing with girls while Kylie sang her heart out. There was even this whole locker room scene with the guys that got us all hot & bothered. Highlights (besides these) were ‘The Loco-Motion’, ‘Confide In Me’, “The One’….oh hell I loved the whole damn show. I look forward to her coming back to perform again. She apparently was at a club I went to on Halloween with Fergie but I did not see her. Then again, I was too drunk for my own good so who the hell knows.

Ahhhhh Halloween. It wasn’t as great as the year before but don’t think I didn’t have a good time. We started out at my friend Dana’s house party. So many of my friends were dressed as ladies it was hilarious. Brad as a Hooters girl, Rob as crazy Britney with pink wig was tons of fun. I was incredibly proud of Scott running around in a cape & just his undies looking like a devil. Vadim was dressed as well an even crazier version of himself than normal. For once I actually had on more clothes than them. I know, this is shocking. It was to me too. I was going for this whole 80’s sports work out but got everything from that to ‘Are you an 80’s porn star?’ to are you trying to be a certain friend that shall remain nameless. By the end of the night though the wig had come off, shirt barely tucked in my tiny shorts with jock strap peeking through. Where are these pics you ask? Haha I managed to escape those for once.

We had a Halloween soiree at work as well a few days later & the theme was to be a rock star…. living or dead. My co-worker Sophia came as Rick James, complete with ho’s(back up singers) & she looked amazing! We had Wayne & Garth, Tupac & Biggie Smalls, Pat Benatar, The Blue Brothers, Theo as this ultimate rock star… there were so many good ones. I had no idea what I would be but then at the last minute used the wig to my advantage & came up with the idea of a Beach Boy with shorts & tank top. Turns out I wasn’t the only one with that thought which was cool. I asked him if we were getting the band back together. And speaking of band, we had one performing for us & they were also getting people to sing. My co-worker Morgan rocked out some Pearl Jam that I was not ready for. Absolutely fricking awesome. Craig worked it out but I was expecting him to be brilliant anyway since he is also a musician. I sang ‘Wonderwall’ by Oasis & I totally forgot what it was like to sing with a band. The hoots & hollers & yells definitely helped & next thing you know the dude told me I should sing some more. Well 4 more songs later it was like a mini Nick concert. Absolutely awesome & to even have one of the grouchiest people who works here come up & smile & say ‘You’re such a good singer!’ was a shock. Well after feeling like a rock star & way too many drinks I found myself at an after party one of the band members had told us about.

Now here is where things got scandalous. It should be said that I don’t act crazy at work unless it’s just a few of my crew & we have some drinks after work in an office on a random Friday. But, I was dancing with married ladies & dipping them across the floor. Before, some of you think this is going somewhere don’t! The husband was nearby totally digging it. If anything they probably had an even better time once they got home alone lol. At one point I may have rolled across a floor & broke out into a dance breakdown. Maybe. My shirt may have come off at some point. Ok, so it did. Luckily there are no pics of this but a certain Creative Director tells me he took a video of it. I haven’t seen it but maybe I should scour youtube for it hmmmm. Anyway, it was a blast that’s for sure. The next morning I was just sure I was going to be embarrassed to see everyone but one by one I was praised & people calling & saying, “Most of the time things with co-workers are lame & people are all shy & you just killed it.” What I killed I am not sure but I do love that I brought some excitement. The head of our production department now refers to me as a rock star & was like ‘I had NO idea you had that in you.’ But those that KNOW me know it was only a small part of how I normally get down. I told him, “It’s either go hard or don’t go at all.” It’s not like I live this way everyday of the week. The whole beginning of the week is spent work, gym, home, watch my shows on tv & then repeat. I rarely even go out for drinks unless it’s someone’s birthday. It just me being chill. But when I’m ready to get down, watch out. Because for you, for me…. I like to make it a FUNHOUSE.

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