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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

21st Century Life

Originally I had planned to write something right after Halloween. I figured you would want to hear about all the shenanigans that took place. There were plenty believe me. I posted pics on here & Facebook & by the beginning of the week I had put myself on hiatus from everyone because I was so tired & needed some major me, myself & I time. We all had a great time. But, there were some moments that could not escape my thoughts. Just a year ago I wasn't celebrating Halloween because I was worried someone would hit my head with something. I also felt like I looked scary enough to not even need a costume. I stayed in the apt with Scott & Larry & we watched scary movies & ate pizza. So this year I was excited to actually be able to celebrate & not be worried about anything. I dressed as a semi-wrestler. Ok I know, anything to be semi-naked. I originally planned to do a Roman soldier look but then everyone in Gay Manhattan decided to do the same look & clearly I'm not a follower so I had to take that back. Some friends dressed as variations of bunnies & Scott was a disco soul white man with black afro. We all got together at Wissam's & drank & got ready for the parade. We took pictures & had a wonderful time. Then the night came & there were at least 3 different occasions where we encountered hate. In Chelsea of all places. Some straight idiots had yelled out fags to my friends walking in front of me. My friend yelled back, "That's right bitch so get out of Chelsea!" Then, a few blocks later, we encountered some small children in their get ups. They couldn't have been more then 5 or 6 yrs old. One of them grumbled 'homos' as he went by. The older guys didn't shock me but this did. This kind of behavior had to be taught. When I was that age I didn't know what that word was. Even though we all had a blast that night I couldn't help but think & wonder why hate begats hate.

A few days later was the election. Time Square was packed & you would have thought it was New Years Eve. My own friends spent the time together & said, "Yes! We Did It! Yes! We Can!" I went to bed with a smile on my face. It was a wonderful feeling to know that someone with merit can become president & it didn't matter what color their skin was. It felt like we were finally taking a step forward. But then the next day my happiness was quickly taken away. As everyone else was taking a step forward the news came that Proposition 8 passed in California. It was like ok, a lot of you can step forward but the rest of you need to take a step back. Go & sit in the back of the bus. You are a second class citizen. What was also hard to hear was that 70% of African Americans & a large percentage of Latino's voted for this Proposition as well. What the hell people? Why would groups that experienced & still experience discrimination inflict it upon others? Why does hate begat hate?

What happened to that phrase 'Do unto other's as you would have do unto you.' Yes, that's what I thought. Do only when it's convenient. And what about this sanctity of marriage thing? Bull shit. If it was so important then I doubt half of all marriages would be ending in divorce. I didn't initially mean to make this a rant blog. As we know, that's not my style. But, deep down I never thought Prop 8 would pass. I thought we had been taking great strides in the way adjusting what people thought about us. I just assumed it was crazy so called religious people & that number wasn't that much. That's where I & so many other people I know thought wrong. Don't discount the crazy's. They apparently travel in large numbers. Well the alarm has went off & something must be done. I'm going to a few protests this week & I'll let you know how it goes. I never figured myself to be the protest type but things change. Hate has to stop. Another change has gonna have to come.

But when the night is falling
And you cannot find the light
If you feel your dream is dying
Hold tight
You've got the music in you
Don't let go
You've got the music in you
One dance left
This world is gonna pull through
Don't give up
You've got a reason to live
Can't forget you only get what you give

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