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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

NickyBoomBox Goes GaGa

I’m waiting
For my moment to come
I’m waiting
For the movie to begin
I’m waiting
For a revelation
I’m waiting for someone
To count me in

Cos now
I only see my dreams
In everything I touch
Feel their cold hands on
Everything that I love
Cold like some
Magnificant skyline
Out of my reach
But always
In my eyeline now

I realize it’s been a long time since I’ve blogged & the last time I came back after such an absence I told you all about having a tumor. Well you can all rest assured that I’m not gonna hit you with bad news. This time last year, I was dealing with the aftermath of a brain tumor. I didn’t want to be seen & I was still out of work & not about to celebrate Halloween for fear someone would hit me in the head. Now, a year later, I found myself feeling a lil melancholy & thinking about all the bad things that I had gone through. I also found myself watching plenty of shows that dealt with accidents, tumors & brain surgeries. Eli Stone, Grey’s Anatomy & Lipstick Jungle had these in a few of their episodes. Almost making me emotional, I was glad to have Samantha Who to have some much needed comic relief. When I went back to the hospital I found the whole scenario kind of anti-climatic. The MRI showed the same result that it had showed back in April which IS good news. The doctor told me I will have to have these for years to come every 6 months. I don’t look forward to because it somehow drudges up these emotions every time I go in. But hey, what can you do? As long as it shows I’m ok I am happy.

So since the bday fall has come with a quickness. It’s much colder then I anticipated & for my first Halloween since 06 I’ll probably be covered up more then I would like. Then again this is me we’re talking about so I’m sure I’ll end up semi-clothed sometime in the night. I also caught the Madonna show at MSG which was good but definitely not my favorite. I was amazed at how much she danced. I aspire to have such movement in 20 yrs! For me though, it wasn’t the same as the experience I had seeing her at Roseland back in April. There was something about the intimateness of it & plus she was so incredibly close to me. It’s one thing to have your idol so close but then quite another to pay a lot of money to see her but then feel like you’re still miles away.

Last night, I saw lady GaGa at Highline Ballroom & man oh man it was awesome. I realize that many of you may not know her but she has become my favorite artist of the year. She’s new & fresh & has the perfect sound of what pop music should be. Her single ‘Just Dance’ has gone to #1 in Canada & Australia & I’m sure once it’s released in the UK it will have a similar fate. Unfortunately, here in the states it’s not found the same success. Meanwhile she’s written for Britney & the Pussycat Dolls, who’s sound is very similar. Watching Christina Aguilera on the VMA’s & seeing her new video I was like “Ahh!!!! She’s ripping on my GaGa!” But anyway, back to the show. There were quite a few other performers & they did their thing. Cazwell & Amanda Lepore came out & by the time Amanda ’sang’ her infamous line of “I don’t know much about clothes but my hair looks FIERCE!” she was completely nude. Which I’ve seen plenty of times before. I swear I’ve seen her titties & plastic whooha more then I’ve seen my own perky busoms & goodies! But this I will say it always gets the crowds attention. I had a LOT of girls around me who was just open mouthed as they witnessed such provocativeness. There was also a group called Semi Precious Weapons who were rockers. And boy oh boy did they rock. The lead singer called us all cunts & said that we will never see something as hot as him. Being that if it’s in my mind then it’s on my face, I begged to differ. But kudos to his crazy cracka ass for having some witty things to say. He also pulled this girl on stage & danced with her all wildy. He poured water all over her & then proceeded to rip her shirt off. I saw more titties in one night then I’ve seen all year! Then Lady GaGa took the stage & tore it up. It was great to see an artist perform with such hunger & love for her audience. Not someone who looks like they’re just going through motions or just trying to get a paycheck. I’m not mentioning any names but when she said “I love you guys” I seriously felt she meant it. She even crowd dived 6 times almost letting her fans whisk her away. I also found her to be very genuine when I met her before the show. She signed my cd & was looking Gagalicious. I paid $14 for this show & I definitely felt like I got my money’s worth. This Saturday I’m suppose to see Janet & I have a pretty good seat so we’ll see how that goes. I’ve already read the reviews & know the drama about her canceling her NY show a week ago. I’ll let you know.

In other NSP news, my antics out & about have had a crazy twist of events. I was kicked out of a club folks! Last Saturday night I was dancing with my peeps at Splash, somewhere we have been going since Roxy has been closed. Now before your eyes get all big let me say this, I was sober! I’d had some drinks but was not even buzzed. We were dancing near our friend Danny who was deejaying when all of a sudden I saw this drunk mess walk by us & he throws his empty glass at my feet. It had not broke when it hit the floor & the only thing I thought to do was kick it out of our direction. I didn’t want any one of us to slip or something. Then, a bouncer comes up to me saying “I saw you click that glass!” I said yes & told him why but he had not seen the other guy throw it. It became a complete misunderstanding & it was like when you’re in school & the teacher punishes you for something some other brat does. I then called him a dick for the way he was talking to me, which didn’t help matters. But seriously, I only speak the truth. What I find amusing is out of ALL the drunken shenanigans I know I have done over the years I got thrown out by being sober & just trying to do what I thought was a good thing. Oh well, NickyBoomBox will survive & dance again. A plague to that mofo’s house & after the way I was treated I will not be going there again. So I’ll end with this, have a safe & happy Halloween. Get your tricks & make sure they give you some treats. Not anything that has to be cured by penicillin though! I’ll also make sure I write more next week to let you know about Janet & oh yes, how my Halloween was & just what provocative costume I wore or didn’t wear wink wink.

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