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Friday, August 7, 2009


Come join the party, yeah
Coz anybody just won’t do.
Let’s get this started, yeah
Coz everybody wants to party with you.

Happy Friday to you all! For the past few days I have been in hibernation. I woke up a couple days ago with my right ear all stopped up & my eyelid feeling a little swollen. I thought oh no! That could only mean one thing, Nickakah came & saw & was an absolute blast & now it has kicked my ass. Earlier in the month I had felt a little bored about how to celebrate. After being here so long, I felt like I had done everything there was to do in the city. So this year I decided to go on location. The location: The Pines, Fire Island. My friend Rob had a share that was gonna be open & I had thought about it for at least a month. After the first ‘vacation’ at the beginning of the month I felt a do-over was highly in order. This year would be slightly different because I wasn’t gonna be able to celebrate fully with my normal cast of characters. But after hearing about how people are over bdays & such I took that as a sign that it would be ok. Clearly, I’m not over bdays. I look at it as a blessing to still be going so why not celebrate it? Right? Right.

Boy you got a reputation, but you’re gonna have to prove it
I see a little hesitation,
Am I gonna have to show you that if it feels right, get on your marks
Step to the beat boy that’s what it’s for

The night before my bday the party began at work. I was surprised by a very delicious red velvet cake that was for my co-worker Marcus & I. His bday had been a few days before. Later, towards the end of work we all started sippin on some drinks. Well after a few hrs later I was definitely feeling a buzz going on & then remembered I had to get home bc I had people coming over. Without having dinner I met up with my peeps & the party continued. This was my problem. We all made it to Splash & danced & had a good time. Nicole took some pics & Vadim danced around in his Basic Trash ensemble. Old friends & new ones were there & I had a ball. Then I dropped the ball so to speak. Black out city occurred & the next day I woke up with a terrible hangover. How can this happen on my actual bday?! Oh no! I was suppose to meet Rob & everyone at the train to head out to the island. Clearly, this wasn’t happening. Finally, after a few hrs & popping a lot of advil, chugging some water, packing my bags… I made the last off peak train out to Long Island. Shortly before I made it to the train the skies looked like it would begin to rain. After taking the train, taking a van & then taking a ferry (that’s right kids this can be a trek) it started to rain. I thought well I’ll be damned! Here we go with Wilmington happening all over again. By the time I made it to the house I was completely soaked. Being the good friend that he is, Rob made me a drink asapenis. Shortly after, the rest of the roommates arrived. Then it was time to make tea. Now for those not in the know, that doesn’t mean make some tea & sit around & gossip. In the Pines there is a thing called Low Tea, Middle Tea & Hi Tea. Basically it means you go to the clubs that the deejays are spinning during certain times. It still confuses the shit out of me but whatevs. We did that for a little while & then found ourselves back at home to eat a little & then a few of us decided to hit up the underwear party that my friend Danny was deejaying. Picture it, a room full of guys dancing around in their underwear. Absolutely wonderful I say. One of the roommates Dave C, was telling any one that was cute about the pool party that was gonna be taking place the next day. And what a hot pool party it was. I met tons of new people & of course I kept telling everyone it was my bday weekend. There are a ton of pics from it & I’ve already heard from people about how everyone was in such skimpy clothes. In my defense, some twink came in with my ensemble so not to be outdone I changed into a skimpier number. (Shuley, I know how you say no guy looks good in a speedo but I gotta say here in NYC there are TONS of men who look good in them) What also must be said is that when you’re around all of this it is sooooo easy to get caught in the sexy times. There were shower room hook ups with twinks, semi porn photo shoots going on in bedrooms….. which I was not a part of (I know some of you are shocked right now). As always I will not mention names to protect the uh… not so innocent. I will just keep it in my body of evidence. Later, a few of us went to this other party that was taking place nearby. It was a big house, with a lot of people. More sexy people in hardly anything. BUT, what they had apparently run out of was alcohol. Of course my friends & I were like WTF?! So just as quick as we made an entrance we quickly left to go back to ours where there was plenty of vodka flowing.

That’s the thing with Fire Island. When you go you HAVE to have your A game on. Since there was no tv, no computer, and no ones cell phone service properly working…. you find that it’s like a Real World house. Only all gay, all the time. So of course there will be hook ups & there will be scandal. By the end of the weekend I did get my share of hook ups but I will not mention names. Remember, I’m trying to protect the uh not so innocent. What I will say is it felt like I got to be the Heather Locklear of Melrose Place & I loved it. On Sunday we started drinking at like 11:30 am & that just kept going on until the wee hours of the morning. Somehow, through out the whole experience I did not once get a hangover or have a blackout. Which I couldn’t understand considering I drank WAY more than I ever do. I guess the lesson is make sure to have your meals, & drink water with every few drinks. A few others didn’t have it so lucky. Poor Jude got sick & Fernando was out for HOURS. But before all that we did manage to have a lil dance party in the rain which found me teaching a combination to a variation of songs. We joked saying that Rob was like Mary Anne from True Blood, like when she gets all crazy & dances around & then everyone starts humping like crazy & their eyes go black. We found it utterly hilarious. Just as hilarious as when we got in late one night & the twinks staying over asked us to be quiet. Which was absolutely hilarious because any one that knows Rob or Dave KNOWS that will just make them more obnoxious!!! Ahhhh, good times.

By Monday it seemed so many people had left & there was only a few of us that remained. What was wonderful was that it was finally gonna be an actual beach day. So for the most part we spent it getting our tan on. And oh yes, our drink on as well. We ended up meeting a guy on the beach who invited us back to his beach front house to hang out at his pool & hot tub. We couldn’t turn this down because literally the night before I had met a guy & introduced him to Dave C saying, “This is Marlon, he has a big dick & a jacuzzi.” We had been wanting a jacuzzi all weekend. So Monday night found us rocking the hot tub & me doing a concert of Mariah songs acapella. Where my voice came from I have NO idea but, I remember it actually not sucking. Hmmm, perhaps I was drunk & it was actually atrocious. Nope, let’s stick with it actually not sucking. Tuesday was another great beach day & I found myself not being able to leave. Hours were spent at the beach & by this point I had got a massive tan. Not many people were on the beach but there were still a few there. It’s funny to see how dead the island gets during the week. By this point it was just Brad & I & once 8pm came I found myself having to saying goodbye on the ferry. I was wishing it didn’t have to end & I definitely was not looking forward to going to work. But Nickakah was officially over. By this point by phone was blowing up with all the messages & texts from people saying happy bday. There were a few people I was a lil bummed out that decided to overlook me but like I said it IS what it IS. I stay highly thankful for all my peeps who do love me & showed me a good time. Major shout out to Rob & the boys of this years Nickakah. It’s like we did the Saved By the Bell season at the beach. Same cast but thrown in with some new fresh faces. It’s good to do every now & then. I had an absolute blast & now after hibernating for a few days I definitely feel ready to celebrate something now. Besides, it’s someone’s bday somewhere right? Happy bday Katie, even though your far away I want to hear about tons of bday fun. I just may have a drink or 2 for u!

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