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Friday, January 4, 2008

Coming Out Of The Dark Because Today The Sun's On Us

First things first, let me say Happy New Year! I meant to blog a while ago. The holidays came with a quickness. Even back to Thanksgiving. I meant to discuss my mom & my younger sister's visit & how I got to see NY through tourists' eyes again. I went to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade because my mom had always wanted to see it. Turns out the weather was absolutley perfect. I've avoided going every year because it's normally freezing. But, being that this time it wasn't I got my ass up early in the a.m. so my mom & sis could have a good spot to see everything clearly. That being done, I don't ever need to go again. That being said, I'll probbaly be there every year now. It was my first time spending Thanskgiving with my mom since the 90's. For years I've had a tradition of spending it with Larry who cooks a mean ass bird & a few friends who are around. So I had some slight trepidation when my mom said she was coming. Fear struck me that there would be family fights like how it used to be. Imagine my surprise when it turned out to not be my family that caused me grief. All in all everything turned out ok. All is forgiven but all will definitely not be forgotten. My mom & sister seemed to have a good time & my mom has fallen in love with NYC. I was even wondering if she may come for Christmas. Which literally popped up out of nowhere. Basically, it was mellow which is what I was glad for. Had some dinner the night before with Jordan, Larry, Scott & a few other people. Gifts were exchanged & things were good. Basically low key which is exactly what I wanted.

The past 2 months have been all about me trying to get better. The whole month of November I wore a hat to work. Feeling self conscious about the scar & how I hated my buzzed head didn't help. I'm telling ya, it's not meant for me to be hairless, my head doesn't seem shaped right for it. Also, making things worse was one of the medications I had to take. Remember me talking about how I was eating way more then I ever had before? As it turns out, the pills had steroids in them. Which was what I needed so there would be no swelling of my brain. But the side effects were not kind. Random headaches, skin irritations & gaining 15 lbs was NOT on my agenda. After telling the dr about such effects he said, "Oh, you should stop taking these." I was like gee thanks. So off to the gym I went to do battle against the bulge. It was a sad thing for me when I couldn't even properly fit into my work pants. It's also one thing to know something is different but when other's notice is quite another. One lady at work, who I'm pretty sure had no clue of what happened to me, said that she thought I looked better slimmer. The same lady went wizzing by me the day I stopped wearing a hat to work & said, "Oh! Another new color! I love how you change it all the time." Now here's the thing about changing your appearance often. I think my mom said it best when she looked at me & said, "Opinions are like asshole's, everybody's got one." As a child I often got upset about my hair color. So many kids at school would make fun of it because it was different. I just wanted to be like everyone else. Although, little old ladies seemed to love it & always asked my mom if she dyed my hair. Precious I know & being adored by little old ladies was not on my agenda as a 7 yr old. Later on in life, I began to appreciate that no one had my color & loved the fact that I was different. Then many years ago I began to dabble in hair color changes & like I said everyone had an opinion about whether it looked good or not. So recently, when I started rocking the new hair that I haven't seen in ages I've been taking the bad with the good. Some guys at work said, "Damn! Nick I didn't realize your hair was red. Even though its not red.....what color is that?" "Auburn, you know a brownish reddish color," I replied. "Oh Snap! I was just ragging on my friend for having red hair!" Hmmmm, gee thanks. Then at a work function, precious, sweet & wonderful little old lady Joan says, "Nick, is this your natural hair color? I love it!" Once again, Old Ladies Love Cool Nick (OLLCool Nick). A lot of the responses have been good. One day at the gym though, I was trying to get my work out accomplished when some one decided to stop me. One of those guys I know from the gym & I've known for years but unfortunately can not remember his name. HI!!!!! he yells forcing me to take off my headphones. "I HAVE to know, why did you chop off all your fabalous hair? You look better & happier as a blonde. Now there is no trace of it. You didn't even leave some highlights. Now it's just too red. What happenned, you just didn't want it anymore?" Pausing, I stood there & looked at him. I thought about how the hell am I supposed to look happy while I'm lifting weights? Instead I chose the truth. "I had a brain tumor & it had to be removed. That's why I now have no hair & this color is what is growing in." Then with the gayest voice I've ever heard he said, "Ohhhh." So like I said, I'll take the bad with the good. And as Vadim would say, "What's hair is hair."

New Years Eve came & went & I had a very nice but relaxing time. A few people came over & I deejayed a bit playing some of my favorite jams of the year. By 2:30 I was about to go to bed. What I enjoyed most was the week & a half off I had from work. Sleeping in everyday was wonderful. The past few days has been incredibly hard to get my ass out of bed. At least today is Friday. The weather has been exceptionally cold but next week is supposed to be better. It's hard to believe it's 2008 but honestly I'm glad 2007 is over. There were plenty of good times & I did my best to kick the bad times ass. It's still a fight & I have a lot of plans for myself. I've been coming out of the dark & I'm finally ready. One thing at a time, slow & steady. I'll try to tackle them with style & grace. With a bit of saltyness I may even do this with a smile upon my face. One thing's for sure. This year I plan on blogging a LOT more.

There's no rain, there's no storm
Though the blue sky makes you wonder
Don't you fear what will come
Will come
And right now we're in the sun
Sure enough, seasons change
But don't let today get lost
'Cause today the sun's on us
Today the sun's on us

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