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Monday, November 1, 2010

Tricking With Treats

It’s a little after 4 & I’m here at work desperately thinking I should have taken off. I know everyone say Mondays suck & blah blah blah but lemme tell ya this one has been rough. All day long I’ve been not quite understand what people have been saying to me. As in they’ll be talking to me & I’m looking in a blank stare. I’ve accidentally kicked over trash cans & then knocked over my ravioli onto the floor. Then I happened to come across a sheet from last yrs Health Fair & saw my body fat has went up from 10.1 to 12.3%. Not acceptable. Boo hoo right? It still didn’t stop me from running around like I was Ice-T’s gf Coco showing all my junk to the world this weekend. Halloween weekend did me in folks. It totally tricked my treats & I had a blast. My roommates & I had a party on Friday night & just like Nickakah we had a house full of liquored up people. I took my bed out of my room & made it the club room once again. We had beer pong in the living room & the other rooms were VIP only. Ok VIP as in doing shots with roomies in case we ran out of liquor in the kitchen. Geoff & Becky dressed up as Roger & Joan from Mad Men, LD & her bf were chained together as a criminals dressed all in black & as for me. Well I called myself Disgo-go. I had my disco stick, one sequined glove & silver sequined suspenders. Any excuse to hardly wear clothes I’ll go with. Tons of the straight kids dressed up while a lot of my gays didn’t. One of my favorites was when I saw a Lady Gaga from the Telephone video. Much to my delight Ellen whipped out the Spoon Ellen coming as Snooki. We had Justin Beeber, nerds, farmboys, Sassy Gay Friend, quite a few cool things. The party raged on until 5 or so. I had not had any dinner bc I was so busy cleaning for it & how I wasn’t hungover the next day I have no idea.

I woke up early to try to get stuff done & then head to my last dance rehearsal for this Saturday’s show. By the end it though I was so hungry I was ready to pass out. So I booked it home & ate a little & then tried to prep for Saturday night’s party at Dana’s. Hmmmm Saturday night. Well so I hear it was a blast. There was tons of dress up galore that night. I had tried to go as a vampire but even with Paul’s help I couldn’t get my fangs to stay on. Then when I went to use the fake blood that I had just bought at Ricky’s I discovered it was all dried up! So basically $15 wasted. But the ho must go on. I put on the cape, had my black pants, gloves & called myself ‘Vamp in training’. So drinks & drinks & more drinks later I made my way to Xes then ventured off to Barage to take over the role of Sassy Gay Friend from Paul. Realizing that I was too done I went to the diner to get food & then as soon as I got home I went to sleep not eating any of it. Oh Halloween how you were a mess to me.

But all in all I had a blast & by yesterday all I could do was chill at home & try to clean from the party. I watched tons of stuff on the DVR & then watched scary movies. Then at around 10pm it was like I had a delayed hangover reaction & I got the worst headache. I couldn’t sleep it was so bad & so I took 4 advil just to try to knock it out. Later that night I had a dream that I had done a porn film & then everyone found out about it at work & I was fired. When I woke up I was so confused I actually thought the dream was real. Aye dios mio!!! I mean I know I like to run around in hardly any clothes but you have to draw the line somewhere.

And that was my weekend. I hope everyone had a good one. This upcoming weekend finds me finally dancing in the showcase that I feel we have been rehearsing for a year. In case you’re wondering….. we’re performing at the Harlem Stage at Aaron Davis Hall. Our number is called ‘Vanity’ & we’re all dressed up pretty hot or in some of our cases hardly anything at all. We go on at 8 & tickets are $20. If you can make it that would be awesome. I’ll provide the link below…..

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