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Friday, February 20, 2009

i(F) yo(U) (C)ee(K) ME

Greetings & salutations blog readers. It’s been a cold, cold time on the hot NYC nights. I swear it has me thinking that next winter I’ll have to be like a bird & fly south for winter. To say it’s been chilly is an understatement. My willy don’t like this chilly. It’s no secret I would much rather take clothes off than to pile them on. I’m sure all of you have noticed with pics tagged on Facebook every weekend with me somehow half clothed. Earlier this week Facebook caused quite the hoopla when it issued something in the terms saying it had all rights to our pics & such. Naturally, I became livid & had to voice my concern. I mean seriously….. I refused signing up for that shizz for ages & then for them to say this is malarky! Luckily, they saw the error of their ways & changed their terms. If there is a profit to be made off of my drunken half naked poses while giving it to the fans, then I need to be making a profit off it. I mean hello! The economy is a bitch & I am having to scrimp & save mah damn self. But anyway, I digress….. enough about me. What do you think of me? This week I have been battling the case of an evil cold. That’s right readers, once again I have been sick. A plague has been put upon my mouth ever since the beginning of the year. First tonsillitis, now this massive cold. It’s been hitting everyone around me & I realize it’s the time for it but c’mon really? I try to stay healthy & I’m nuts about my gym routine. I thought this wasn’t suppose to happen to people who try to stay healthy? It’s when I pose that question that I think about my actions that lead up to said drunk pics all over the internet.

Oh baby baby have you seen Nicky tonight?

Is he in the bathroom? Is he waiting out in line? OH

Oh baby baby does he take a piece of lime

For the shot that Katie bought him

Cause she knows thats what he likes OH

Oh Oh tell me have you seen him

Cause I’m so oh I can’t get him out of my brain

I just want to go the party he gon’ go

Can somebody take me home

Ha ha hee hee ha ha ho

I have had social commitments to my ears for the past few weeks. Let’s see… first, there was 2 going away parties for some friends on the same night. I had to travel up to the upper, upper, upper…. oh hell let’s just say it… Canada! The train was acting a fool & Russell had told me I was gonna have to get off & switch to another or take a shuttle bus. Whatchu talking bout Russell? Only I couldn’t miss it because my British ladies Selina & Beverly were leaving to back across the pond. Selina cooked a lovely meal & it’s been such a rare time for me to get good home cooking. I don’t really cook because if it takes longer then 10 minutes I can’t be bothered. To be honest, I don’t even really like to eat but whatevs. A good time was had by all. We drank wine & posed for pics & gabbed about shenanigans. Mostly mine but the ladies had quite a few of their own which made me feel better. I realized time was not on my side so then it was off to try to make the 2nd going away party for my boy Brian who is leaving NYC for greener pastures (Arizona in fact, never been there but I’m assuming it’s greener). So back on the train I go & all is well until a homeless man enters doing his spiel about how he needs money & blah blah blah. I don’t mean to sound heartless but for real… if I gave money to every person asking for a handout I would be left asking for it back because I would have none! So I’m sitting there next to a lovely Puerto Rican girl with some extensions & he gets near us & says, “I need to go to the hospital because I’m sick.” It was then he began to puke on us. The front of my shirt, my pants & I swear it got in my hair. It even got in the girl’s hair & she went off. ”Get this muthafucka off tha train, Ima kill him!” Then she went off in Spanish & it was too rapid for me to even get what she was saying at that point. I can not deal with puke & never have been so I started feeling like I was gonna throw up. Luckily, this happened right before the stop at my house so I got off & ran home to re-shower. So after this incident it put me even more behind & by the time I got to Brian’s party it was basically over. Hmmm maybe that homeless man was the beginning of my sickness.

Or it could be from my random make out sessions I have found myself in while in the midst of a drunken good time. We were out not too long ago & I found myself in the middle of this friendly guy & his just as friendly girl ‘umm’ friend. Not really sure how to explain them but needless to say a make out fest was had with them both. Yeah, I know… you’re like what?! A girl? For a while my friend Erika & I kept finding ourselves in drunken lip locks & my friends said that if no one had known us they would have thought we were a couple. Funny thing is, neither of us remember this. There was also a case of the eager & cute str8 boy hanging out with his gay friend. His crew started dancing with our crew & then all of a sudden he was pushing up on me. Even his other str8 friend was shocked saying he’s not gay! To that I said, “Oh I hate titles,” as I grinded with him. You may say this is slutty behavior. I would just like to call it being friendly. It’s not the first time & it probably won’t be the last.

Love me, hate me

Say what you want about me

But all the boys & all the girls are begging to if you seek Nicky

This cold could also be from celebrating my boo Nicole & ex boo Jordan’s bdays. It was last weekend & even though I was sick & taking a z-pack, chugging Theraflu (which tastes like a shot), & popping Mucinex I was not about to miss any of the soirees. Lights were flashing, my hair was did & the shirts were feeling tight. Good dancing times were had by all. There was security drama & this guy threatening to punch Katie. Even typing that I still can’t believe it. I wasn’t having it & was ready to break some dishes over his head. Chris Brown oh hell to the no, leave my Katie lone! All that aside we had a good time. If you haven’t seen the pics by now trust me, it was a good weekend.

Lordy, Lordy, Lordy!
I can’t help i like to party it’s genetic!
It’s electrifying, wind me up and watch me go
Where he stops, nobody knows
A good excuse to be a bad influence on you and you and you….

So like I said this week it’s as if I’ve been in hiding. At work but having to cough & blow my nose every 5 minutes it seems. Still chugging my Therflu & taking Mucinex & only was able to go to the gym yesterday. Trying to take it easy. I either go balls to the wall or balls safely hidden. It’s just the way I am. It’s the weekend again & I’m gonna do my best to chill. I need to. Let’s see how that goes……

Aahh, the night is calling
And it whispers to me softly, “come and play”
Aahh, I am falling
And if I let myself go, I’m the only one to blame

I’m safe
Up high
Nothing can touch me
But why do I feel this party’s over?
No pain
You’re like perfection
But how do I feel this good sober?

And since I know you need it…. here’s the top 10 for the month of February:

1. Love Game/Lady GaGa

2. If You Seek Amy/Britney Spears

3. Please Don’t Leave Me/Pink

4. Bottle Pop/The Pussycat Dolls feat. Snoop Dogg

5. Fuck You/Lily Allen

6. Beating My Heart/Jon McLaughlin

7. Diva/Beyonce

8. White Horse/Taylor Swift

9. The Boy Does Nothing/Alesha Dixon

10. Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say/Lady GaGa

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