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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Trip To Fire Island Part 2

Recently, I was talking to my friend Nathan about how I may need to give Fire Island another chance. Anyone who KNOWS me, knows it's not held the fondest memories. Scratch that, I just read my first blog about it & a few others & was reminded of some happy times. So let me say this, it's like if I watch a movie & I'm loving it. Then, the end comes & it absolutely sucks. It will make me dislike the whole movie, even if it had good parts about it. So I'll just put it like this. I needed to try it on my own terms & do it the way I would want to do. So when Nathan told me I should take his place in his house since he couldn't be there, I decided to jump at the chance.

After working 10 hr days for 3 days in a row I felt it was necessary to take a day off so I decided to take Monday off. That way I could have a full 3 days there. So on Friday I was all packed & ready to go & I swear Friday felt like the longest day ever. Another co-worker was heading there as well & we were counting the hours away. She said, "Oh I'm going to Ocean Bay, is that where you're going?" I said no & exclaimed I had done the Bay & now it was definitely time for me to be with the gays in The Pines. By the time 5:30 came around I bolted from the door & met up with Mickey (whom I would be sharing a room with). Then it was off to the train at Penn. We decided to get a drink to start the weekend off right. Which is what the rest of the weekend seemed to hold for us. Wow, those boys do it up right. I will need to detox for days & days. There was party after party. Once we were there Friday night & rocked the hot tub & had drinks it was off to an underwear party. Now I haven't done one of these in years & years, so I felt hey, why the hell not? Tons of fun was had & I even managed to get Mickey to do it as well. I should reiterate that you can do anything once I set my mind to it. On Saturday we apparently missed the monsoon that hit the city because we had sun & lovely weather. We managed to get to the beach & hang for a lil bit before it was time for another party. It's funny to me on how I go away & still wind up seeing tons of people I know. Also, meeting tons of new people is always nice. There's somehow not that since of pretentiousness that you can get at certain places in the city. Not sure what it is, the sun, the drinks or the camaraderie but people are so much more approachable & more friendly. I even met some boys that were from North Carolina & knew all about Carowinds. What was hilarious was that on the train ride there I was just telling Mickey about it & he said, "What the hell is that? Rehab in NC? That's what it sounds like." Another funny moment was when this guy was (I guess) hitting on me & just kept trying to figure out ways he knew me & I was not picking up what he was putting down. Later Mickey goes, "When someone asks you if you went to Cornell, you say YES."

Everyone was also trying to explain to me about the difference between Low Tea, High Tea, Middle Tea. Basically I still may not know which one I'm at but to put it in simpler's just another party & the Dj playing good music. One of the housemates was Dj David Marc playing tons of festiveness. I was in heaven. I even reconnected with people I haven't seen in years & years. I also connected with people I surely hope to see again & again. There was no drama, no arguments, no feeling uncomfortable about ANYthing, just fun. It's probably why I was able to not give a damn that the weather turned bad by Saturday night. Me running in the rain with gay guido boys trying to not get their spiky hair wet was a lovely moment. Sunday was cloudy & pretty much Monday as well. That seems to be the one thing that is a constant with me whenever I go there. But seriously when you're with the right group of people, all of that can be thrown into the wind. I had probably the best time out there I have ever had & it's nice to know a stigma on something can finally be wiped clean. I will have fun stories to talk about for quite some time. I also have tons of quotes from the weekend but I'll not chat about them here in order to keep this PG rated. Let's just say I'll hold them in my body of evidence.

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