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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Rise Above

Traded in my sorrows
For some joy that I borrowed
From back in the day
Threw away my old clothes
Got myself a better wardrobe
I got something to say
I'm through with the past
Ain't no point in looking back
The future will be
And did I forget to mention
That I found a new direction
And it leads back to me

I'm spinning around
Move out of my way
I know you're feeling me
Cause you like it like this
I'm breaking it down
I'm not the same
I know you're feeling me
Cause you like it like this

This morning I got to work & for 6 months now I've done my daily ritual of taking my medication. As you may have known before I got the great news that that was all over. All I needed to do was slow the medication down. Today, my friends, is the last day. So when I popped the pill in my mouth at first it was like 'hmm ok this is it...ho hum!' I guess I was somehow thinking the moment would be more significant. I then thought about all the feelings & songs that had inspired me for months now. The ones that inspired me to know that everything was going to be good. Only then did I get semi-emotional. In so many ways, it's hard to fully digest & I think like all the other things it will hit me down the road.

As I said before, over the next few blogs I'm paying tribute to all my pop divas. Which brings me to Kylie Minogue. Some of you either know her as the 'Loco-Motion or La-La-La Girl'. This is tragic because the woman is huge in all other parts of the world. She had a bit of success here in the late 80's & then early 2000's. Then a few yrs ago she put everything on hold when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She stopped her Showgirl World Tour & went into treatment. Luckily for her, everything came out ok. Cancer is one of the leading causes of death among women & it's truly sad that so far there is no cure. Around the same time she was diagnosed my own aunt had her cancer scare. Much like a brain tumor this I imagine is a frightening experience. Months ago, they gave me a medication that is prescribed to cancer patients. A medication that is suppose to give you an appetite. Hence, why I put on 20 lbs. Kylie has described her whole ordeal & she talked about what it was like having to undergo the treatment. What it was like losing all her hair & then having to wait for everything to grow back (including eyelashes). I do understand that feeling. I felt the ugliest I have ever looked when I had to shave my head. The thought of the scar terrified me. Walking around in hats, hoping that it would grow out right. The weight gain that body was NOT ready for. It was like my body was saying 'Bitch what r u doing to me?!' All I could do was wait. This whole experience was like a waiting game.

Recently, Kylie was here in the US doing promo's for her album X that was just released here. She made an appearance on Ellen & it was a really good one. She talked about how initially she was mis-diagnosed & that she had to go to a second dr to find out for sure that is was breast cancer. After discussing this further Ellen asked her what her advice would be to other people in the same situation. She then said, "Rise Above." In that moment, I thought this is another reason why she is one of my girls. I thought about how even when I was at my most down I tried to stay determined. It was constantly something looking forward to. Something to strive for, being able to lift a Britta, able to take a shower, able to wash my head, eagerly awaiting hair growth & able to go back to the gym. I'll never forget the time when I was on the elyptical machine & I got so motivated that the machine started moving away from it's spot & then I was right behind another lady & she turned around & freaked out. I also think about what started to make me truly happy while I played the waiting game. Being on a dancefloor. For as long as I can remember that has brought me real happiness & when Kylie returned to the music scene she did that with the same intention.

In 1988 I was 10 & one of my favorite things to do was go to the skating rink with my friends. I would get all amped up & start skating my lil ass off when the dj would play Pump Up The Volume but what would REALLY get me going is when I would hear the beginning of the Loco-Motion. I bought the 45 for that single (which I STILL have) & I almost wore out my copy of her first album titled Kylie. To this day I can listen to each track on it with childhood glee. Produced by Stock Aitken Waterman, all tracks were upbeat pop & became huge all around the world. SAW also did tracks for Bananarama, Rick Astley & Donna Summer. The album sold 7.5 million globally & 6 singles were released internationally.

1. I Should Be So Lucky #1 Australia/UK #28 US
2. Got To Be Certain #1 Australia #2 UK
3. The Loco-Motion #1 Australia #2 UK #3 US
4. Je Ne Sais Pas Pourquoi (I Still Love You) #11 Australia #2 UK
5. It's No Secret #37 US
6. Turn It Into Love #1 Japan

A year later SAW churned out more pop hits for her in the album Enjoy Yourself. While it was released here in the states, I must have been the only one that bought the tape because it bombed here. I loved many songs on it because it kept the same pop formula & she even did a cover of Tears On My Pillow for a film called The Delinquents that she was in. The album went onto sell 6 million around the world.

1. Especially For You duet w/Jason Donovan #1 UK #2 Australia
2. Hand On Your Heart #1 UK #4 Australia
3. Wouldn't Change A Thing #2 UK #6 Australia
4. Never Too Late #4 UK #14 Australia
5. Tears On My Pillow #1 UK #20 Australia

Rhythm of Love was released in 1990 & saw Kylie going in the early 90's dance mode. While it only sold 1 million globally I still think it's a good dance album for that time period.

1. Better The Devil You Know #2 UK #4 Australia
2. Step Back In Time #4 UK #5 Australia
3. What Do I Have To Do? #6 UK #8 Australia
4. Shocked #6 UK #7 Australia

Let's Get To It was churned out in 1991 & literally by this point SAW had definitely reached it's peak of pop potential. While it had quite a few singles, it became one of her lowest selling albums to date.

1. Word Is Out #10 Australia #16 UK
2. If You Were With Me Now duet w/Keith Washington #4 UK #23 Australia
3. Give Me Just A Little More Time #2 UK #24 Australia
4. Finer Feelings #11 UK #60 Australia

Her first Greatest Hits was released in 92 & found her parting ways with SAW. The album contained a couple Tp 20 tracks What Kind Of Fool & a cover of Celebration. 2 years later the self titled Kylie Minogue was released on another label & found her going further into a dance area. In 95 her massive hit Confide In Me was released here in the states & I did manage to locate the single & it's to date one of my favorite Kylie songs. During this time she also did a rock collaboration with Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds that found massive success as well.

1. Confide In Me #1 Australia #2 UK #39 US Dance
2. Put Yourself In My Place #11 Australia & UK
3. Where Is The Feeling? #16 UK #31 Australia
4. Where The Wild Rose Grow w/Nick Cave #2 Australia #11 UK from the album Murder Ballads

1997 saw the release of what was suppose to be titled Impossible Princess. But when the death of Princess Diana happened that plan was scrapped at the last minute & they retitled it Kylie Minogue, which was odd since that was her last album's title. Musically, it was also a change from dance to a a more rock & indie sound. Which found the media labeling her Indie Kylie. In a video from one of the singles she played different versions of herself & it's actually one of my favorite video's ever. Dance Kylie, Indie Kylie, Sexy Kylie & Cute Kylie all battled each other. Who won in the end? Youtube it & find out.

1. Some Kind Of Bliss #22 UK #27 Australia
2. Did It Again #14 UK #15 Australia
3. Breathe #14 UK #23 Australia
4. Cowboy Style #39 Australia

As I stated before I moved to NYC in 2000 & in the summer I was working at HMV. Which was a massive music chain of stores that rivaled Virgin & Tower. Sadly, only Virgin remains. I remember the excitement I had when I heard that Kylie was coming out with a new album & the single kicking it off was a return to her dance pop roots. Spinning Around was actually meant to be Paula Abdul's comeback single & she even had a hand in writing it. But unfortunately for her, her music career was going to stay on hold until a little unknown show called American Idol would restart her career. Light Years became pure pop perfection. Churning out 6 singles that were released globally, it became her first album to go to #1 in her homeland Australia. She even made an appearance at the 2000 Summer Olympics since they were held that year in Sydney. I remember being all excited to actually see her on tv, but then the station here did not air her performance of On A Night Like This & instead showed her performance of Dancing Queen. This would have been extra lovely if the commentators hadn't talked throughout the whole thing. Either way Kylie was back & it was only the beginning of her musical resurgence.

1. Spinning Around #1 UK & Australia
2. On A Night Like This #1 Australia #2 UK
3. Kids duet w/Robbie Williams #2 UK #14 Australia
4. Please Stay #10 UK #15 Australia
5. Your Disco Needs You #20 Australia
6. Butterfly #14 US Dance

Once I saw that Butterfly was commercial released here I scooped it up & then I heard that she was coming out with new material to follow up her previous success. I had no idea that she would blow up the way she did. Cathy Dennis found success in the US dance market & top 10 success in the early 90's with classics like Touch Me & Just Another Dream. She had went on to release a few other albums but then completely dropped out of the scene & focused on writing. It was then in 2001 that she wrote Can't Get You Out Of My Head which became the biggest hit of Kylie's career. It went to #1 in countries all around the world & finally found a release here. I managed to get on TRL & they had a dance competition. The prize was you got to meet Kylie & see her tour live. Fatima something something was the judge & somehow did not pick me & picked this blonde girl who barely knew who Kylie was. I was livid & to this day I hold a semi grudge against that beyotch. But then, things got sooo much better when I found out that Kylie was coming to NYC to do a signing for Fever at Virgin. So in February of 2002 I was ecstatic to be able to meet her & have her sign my cd. I don't know what it is about my diva's but they get me all silent & nervous. She was incredibly petite but looked absolutely gorgeous. I told her I had been a fan since 88 & that it had been hard to keep track of her music here but I was a diehard fan. She smiled & said thank you & that she appreciated all the love from her US fans. Fever went on to be her biggest seller, 9 million world wide & achieved a peak of #3 here. Come Into My World also won her a Grammy for Best Dance Recording.

1. Can't Get You Out Of My Head #1 UK/Australia #7 US #1 US Dance
2. In Your Eyes #1 Australia #3 UK
3. Love At First Sight #2 UK #3 Australia #23 US #1 US Dance
4. Come Into My World #4 Australia #8 UK #91 US #20 US Dance

Body Language was released in 2003 & found her changing up her music style going for a more R&B but still dance approach. Some say it was an appeal to the US market but unfortunately it didn't find the massive amount of success that Fever had done before it. In one song it found her doing a cheeky rap which was 10 million times better then Madonna's attempt in American Life. But that's just my opinion. That track Secret is still a stand out & I always found it funny that Black Eyes Peas used the same sample to create their monster hit Don't Phunk With My Heart. Unfortunately no record companies are listening to me about what songs are better to release. So oh well.

1. Slow #1 UK & Australia #91 US #1 US Dance
2. Red Blooded Woman #4 Australia #5 UK #24 US Dance
3. Chocolate #6 UK #14 Australia

Over a decade her record companies released a plethora of Greatest hits & remixes. Probably more then any other current artist. So in 2004 it was kind of a shock to see the release of Ultimate Kylie. But what this album did was pull singles from the SAW, Deconstruction & Parlophone releases. A DVD with all the videos was released as well & of course I had to have both. This also saw the pairing of her with the Scissor Sisters. Another reason for me to be jealous of sexy Jake. The album sold 3 million globally.

1. I Believe In You #2 UK #6 Australia #3 US Dance
2. Giving You Up #6 UK #8 Australia

After all the success of the treatment & a return to the stage for the rest of the Showgirl Tour, Kylie went back into the studio for her 10th studio album. Appropriately titled X, Kylie said she wanted to get back on the dancefloor & I'm so glad she did. The tracks on this album are perfect for dancing but unfortunately I think they are lost on the American audience. Why I don't know. I was originally appalled to hear that her record company put Mims on the remix to her single All I See. I never cared for This Is Why I'm Hot, but most of the hip-hop crap is lost on me these days. Somehow the version grew on me but I don't think it's going to grow on anyone else here. If someone had been listening to me & my gays & Perez, then Speakerphone would have been released. The album debuted at a very disappointing #139 here & I see no signs of a chart rebirth. I did notice on a new episode of Gossip Girl they had Ripping Up The Disco playing in a club scene. Which actually, isn't even a track on the album. It's an extra digital download. Oh well, Kylie can you here me? I guess not, you're too bizzy rehearsing for your tour that's going to kick off soon & there is a performance scheduled in London right before my birthday in July. Ahhhhhh, in a perfect world kids I would be there. But, I highly doubt that's going to happen. Oh well, a guy can dream right?

1. 2 Hearts #1 Australia #4 UK
2. Wow #5 UK #11 Australia #19 US Dance Airplay (but guess what it is still climbing so let's hope)
3. In My Arms (scheduled to be released in the UK next month)
4. All I See #43 US Dance (but also moving up)

Well if you're still with me through all this then you MUST be interested in Kylie. AND IF NOT, then look it up. It's all good music to dance to. Now that there's no more rain in my life I definitely think it's time to shine. This is how it feels in my arms. And to all my me out because YOUR DISCO NEEDS YOU!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Art of Balance

This is a story about control, my control
Control of what I say, control of what I do
And this time I'm gonna do it my way
I hope you enjoy this as much as I do
Are we ready? I am? Cause it's all about control
And I've got lots of it

I was 7 years old when the album Control came out. My mom had bought the record & I actually still have the tape that I wore out. I remember dancing around to Nasty over & over again. It was then that I began my love for all things Janet. In the course of the next 4 blogs I am going to give mad love to my favorite female pop icons of all time. (As if I haven't done it enough over the past few years) In this first one I'm discussing Janet Jackson. I remember seeing re runs of Good Times as a kid & seeing poor little Penny about to be burned by her mother, my mom said, "See, at least when you're bad I don't do those things to you!" Then years & years later I found myself being inspired by Janet through her videos & her dancers in the videos. I would re-wind them over & over so I would get the breakdowns just right. She's one hell of an entertainer & unfortunately I've never seen any of her tours. In the summer of 2004 I found out that she was going to be the surprise performer at the Pier Dance that happens during Gay Pride. So i braved the crowd & made sure I was there. She did 'All Nite' which is literally one of my favorite dance songs ever & to this day I blame Super Bowl Boob Gate for it not charting well. When 2.0. YO came out she performed on the Today show & I made sure I was there as well. If you youtube this you can probably see me near the front because of the blonde blonde hair I had at the time. My love for Janet even hit fever pitch just a few months ago when she was at Best Buy doing an album signing. I realize I wrote about this a few months ago but in case you don't know she told me I was 'sooooo cute' in her soft spoken voice & the brightness in her eyes & smile caused me to be speechless. I had told her that I wouldn't have missed her appearance for the world & before I knew it the security guard whisked me off.

I've been a big fan of her movies as well. Although they come few & very far in between Poetic Justice is still a standout. Why Did I Get Married was incredibly good with her winning an acting award for her role. Nutty Professor was what it was.....Janet looking too cute & an excuse to give some serious dance breakdown moves in the Doesn't Really Matter video.

I would like to say that I have all her albums but alas I actually do not have Janet Jackson 1982 debut album & I also don't have Dream Street. They had some success on the R&B charts & out of those my favorite is 'Young Love'. I actually remember seeing her on American Bandstand with the one ear ring & saying it was the keys to animal cages at Neverland Ranch.

Like I stated before it was the Control album that made me dance my lil 7 yr old ass off. Released in '86 she exploded & had the first of her 6 #1 albums. The tracks of a new empowered woman really set it off with people around the world going onto sell 5 million just in the US. I still listen to it constantly & the pairing with Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis was musical brilliance. 7 of the 9 tracks were released commercially:
1. What Have You Done For Me Lately #4 Pop #1 R&B
2. Nasty #3 Pop #1 R&B
3. When I Think Of You #1 Pop #3 R&B
4. Control #5 Pop #1 R&B
5. Let's Wait Awhile #2 Pop #1 R&B
6. The Pleasure Principle #14 Pop #1 R&B
*7. Funny How Time Flies (When You're Having Fun) #59 UK

* means this was only released in the UK & not pushed as a single in the US

In 1989 none of us were ready for the social commentary of Rhythm Nation, but somehow she made the ability to wake up about social injustice danceable. The way that each video stood out from the rest was on a whole new level. The dance moves, the 5,4,3,2,1....the R&B, the dance, the rock. The fact alone that she blended all so cleverly is still un-matched today. 7 top 5 hits from one album put her in the record books & if the last single had been released commercially it would have given her 8. Selling 6 million copies in the US it remains one of her best sellers.
1. Miss You Much #1 Pop & R&B
2. Rhythm Nation #2 Pop #1 R&B
3. Escapade #1 Pop #1 R&B
4. Alright #4 Pop #2 R&B
5. Come Back To Me #2 Pop & R&B
6. Black Cat #1 Pop #10 R&B
7. Love Will Never Do (Without You) #1 Pop #3 R&B
*8. State Of The World #5 Airplay Pop #23 R&B

*not released as a commercial single so it was ineligible to chart on all Billboard charts

1993's janet album is arguably my most favorite Janet album EVER. I could listen to each track literally without skipping. Which is very rare in any artist. She went beyond the rhythm of her nation & took us to where her love goes. It was the first time she brought out the abs & the sexy times. We also got to meet the dancers & Tina Landon went on to be a major choreographer because of the moves she made for Janet. I'm surprised I didn't wear out my tape of the if video the way I was rewinding over & over again. It's no joke that when they play it in the club I do pop out of nowhere to do this breakdown. As does half the other dancers I know. It always puts a smile upon my face. The album sold 6 million copies as well in the US & it also started her contract with Virgin after leaving A&M. It was widely reported that she made quite a profit after this. Der! Ms Jackson ain't stupid y'all. 10 singles were released from this one & 6 of those were released in the US. A couple even featured B sides that made noise of their own on airplay charts.
1. That's The Way Love Goes #1 Pop & R&B
*2. Where Are You Now #30 Pop Airplay
3. If #4 Pop #3 R&B
4. Again #1 Pop #7 R&B nominated for best song Oscars
5. Because Of Love #10 Pop #9 R&B
6. Any Time, Any Place/And On And On #2 Pop #1 R&B/#36 Pop Airplay #12 R&B Airplay
*7. Throb #66 Airplay #2 Dance
8. You Want This/70's Love Groove #8 Pop #9 R&B/#45 R&B Airplay
*9 Whoops Now/What'll I Do #9 UK

*Where Are You Now got airplay just off the excitement of That's The Way Love Goes & was never released commercially. Throb was an additional b-side to Any Time, Any Place & was remixed for clubs where it found major success. It was released on its own in the Netherlands. Whoops Now was the secret bonus track at the end of the album & was released as a double sided single in the UK

Design of a Decade was released in 1995 as a greatest hits album but actually only contained one track from the Virgin label. This was because the former label A&M released this album. I bought the import version because it included a remix to the song she did with Luther Vandross which was a top 10 hit in '92. This also had 2 new singles that place as book ends between the other singles.
1. Runaway #3 Pop #6 R&B
*2. Twenty Foreplay #32 R&B #22 UK
*3. The Best Things In Life Are Free 97 remix #7 UK

*Twenty Foreplay was released here to Airplay but in the Uk it got an actual commercial release. Meanwhile The Best Things... was released there because it had not originally been released in 92.

The Velvet Rope was released at the end of 1997 & is what most considers her 'dark' album. She explores the sexuality concept a little more, covers a Rod Stewart classic & didn't change the words which made some people start the whole Janet is bi concept. Mind you she added that just in the interlude where she masturbates while another female friend is listening. Mind you this is probably one of my favorite quotes when the girl says 'your coochie's gonna swell up & fall apart!' The album went on to sell 3 million in the US.
*1. Got Til It's Gone feat Q-Tip & Joni Mitchell #36 Pop Airplay #3 R&B Airplay #6 UK
2. Together Again #1 Pop #8 R&B
3. I Get Lonely #3 Pop #1 R&B
*4 Go Deep #28 Pop #11 R&B
*5. You #30 Japan
*6. Every Time #47 UK

*Unfortunately, Virgin didn't release many singles from this album & chose to release them elsewhere in the world. This was the start of that problem here in the US. Videos were made & shown here but that was to be all of that. I think it's because they didn't want to release them & have them seem like failures because they didn't go top 10.

By 2001 All For You was released to wonderful reviews & dance gems in abundance. Janet was honored as an MTV Icon & the single All For You held the top spot for 7 weeks. Only That's The Way Love Goes went longer. This album had so many good dance songs on it & I was surprised when they weren't released as singles. I know I heard them in all the clubs I went to regularly. The album sold 3 million in the US. This album even included the remix of the #1 hit she had the year before from the Nutty professor 2 soundtrack. Due to the fact that Billboard now had changed rules that airplay songs could chart Son of a Gun charted even thought it wasn't commercially released.
1. Doesn't Really Matter #1 Pop #3 R&B
2. All For You #1 Pop & R&B
3. Someone To Call My Lover #3 Pop #11 R&B
4. Son Of A Gun feat. Missy Elliot & Carly Simon #28 Pop #26 R&B
*5. Come On Get Up #7 Japan

*only released commercially in Japan

Ahhhhhh & now we come to Super Bowl Boob Gate. Controversy galore & there's no need to rehash it. I mean seriously, do you not walk around waiting for your boob to be accidentally exposed as you're wearing a star like thing over your nip???? Ok so I don't either. Janet tried to play it off as an accident & stuck to her guns. Now mind you a month before it all went down I remember seeing an interview with Jermaine Dupri saying how everyone was going to be talking about her performance. Then magically everyone involved after was like oops! I don't know how that happened. To this day I feel what is the big deal over a boob. We can see worse things on the telly each & every day such as war & violence. But apparently boobs are a bigger ordeal.
Shortly after Damita Jo was released in 2004 & to this day I still think there are some choice cuts on it. I already stated All Nite is one of my fav jams & if it comes on where I'm at I can't help but start breaking it down. R'n'B Junkie was serious hotness & sould have been released. I think the over all tone was probably too sexual for this album which scared people off. I mean even I wondered, girl didn't you discover sex 10 yrs ago? The album sold a little over 1 million copies & was the first of hers to be considered a flop. MTV had stopped airing her videos & only a few singles were released.
1. Just A Little While #45 Pop #1 Dance
*2. I Want You #57 Pop #18 R&B
*3. All Nite (Don't Stop) #1 Dance #90 R&B #19 UK
*4. R&B Junkie #2 Japan #101 R&B

* I Want You & All Nite was released as a double single in the Uk. Japan got R&B Junkie & we got to see her perform it on a tv show here.

2006 saw the release of 2.0. Y.O & was suppose to remind everyone of Control. Unfortunately for Janet's case it just reminded everyone that those songs were sooooo much better then these. Once again I found the songs that were good but no one was listening to me. In a perfect world Enjoy would have been released because it was classic Janet & reminded me of Whoops Now! To this day I still hate Call on me as the lead single but apparently the R&B audience loved it. The album sold 700,000 copies which was incredibly disappointing & this found her leaving Virgin for good.
1. Call On Me w/Nelly #25 Pop #1 R&B
2. So Excited #90 Pop #34 R&B
*3. Enjoy Japan release only
*4. With U #65 R&B

*Seriously, is Japan the only one reading my thoughts? They got the song that should have been huge here. It just re-iterates the fact that if I released an album there they would live for me no doubt. With U was released as a promo single & I have the vinyl record to show for it.

Now we come to Discipline which had me at the title. Especially with everything that has happened to me I've discovered the things in my life needed balance & in order to have this balance I would need some major Discipline. This album was released on her new label Island Def Jam & it was promised that this album was going to be classic Janet. My first listen found me not thinking that so much. Seriously too many ballads in the end & had me thinking maybe Jermaine has her on her back a little too much. But then the more I listened to it, the other songs really grew on me. Feedback had me the minute it came out & so did all the other Janet fan friends of mine. Texts & calls exploding saying 'have u heard this new hotness?!' So why this didn't catch on I have no idea. Musically it's much better then the last one & at least it did debut at #1. Sadly, it's fallen dreadfully down & I have a feeling it may not recover. Either way as I write this I'm listening to the good tracks.
1. Feedback #19 Pop #39 R&B
2. Rock With U
3. Luv

I didn't mention the other singles but there have been plenty of other good ones to mention such as her top 5 duets with brother Michael on Scream, What's It Gonna Be?! with Busta Rhymes, Diamonds w/Herb Albert in the 80's. Yes bitches, I didn't forget & in case any of you don't believe me & my chart statistics feel free to check them out yourself on wikipedia.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Nick's Never-ending Story

For most people this a regular old Friday. Co-workers are walking around saying TGIF. It's slightly gloomy outside & it's much colder then it was yesterday. This week work has felt long & I've been doing my best to get things out of boxes. That's right folks. My move did go scheduled as planned. All the gays came out for my public affair. Vadim was actually on time. Scott showed up even after having some Saturday night shenanigans. Chase rolled out of bed in Queens & stopped by. Big Tom had helped me pack the night before & his packing abilities are extraordinary. Larry was there to offer all the help & more that I could ask of a best friend. I can't say thank you enough to Jeremy & Andy for the use of their cars. Andy's poor car took a beating from putting one of my cd shelves on top of it. Andy, seriously my babies & I can not thank you enough. I owe all these men some major gratitude but as always its nice to know I can count on real friends. Some other people even offered but I had so many people there was no need to get more help. You could even try to think of a joke, 'How many gays does it take to organize Nick's room?' On 2nd thought, don't come up with that joke bitches or I will hunt you down. This was probably the easiest & quickest move I've ever made. Even Jordan did things to help me. I think we continue to surprise people of how well we're doing. Hell, I guess we are this yrs Nico & Larry. For those that don't know, you can say we're the gay Demi & Bruce (only no kids & no Ashton lol). Although we have been broken up for months & we've done separate things on our own, somehow now it felt really real. I think we had gotten so used to each other being there that it had not fully sunk it what it may feel like when the day finally arrived. Moving day held a lot of moments for me. Happiness for finally finding the place I was happy with & also being able to be fully on my own. But giving the keys back to Jordan felt incredibly sad as I took my last box out of the apt. Looking at him & both of us knowing what the other was thinking. It felt sad knowing that we both had tried to make something work but it failed. I guess it goes back to that phrase of 'if you love something let it go.' Over time I've admitted there are a lot of phrases that I have not liked but in the past few months I can now fully understand.

I can't waste time so give it a moment
I realize, nothing's broken
No need to worry 'bout everything I've done
Live every second like it was my last one
Don't look back got a new direction
I loved you once, needed protection
You're still a part of everything I do
You're on my heart just like a tattoo
Just like a tattoo, I'll always have you

In so many ways it felt weird being back in the old hood. Things had changed but in some ways so many things had stayed the same. I thought of the young Nick who was just getting to know NY. There are differences between this new Nick & the old one, but in some ways not really. It's funny what we have to go through just in order to get back to the basics. I'm definitely wiser but as I think about that old Nick, he may have been naive but he definitely was no dummy. This remixed & revisited version feels nice though. Going to the gym I used to go to everyday felt like I had stepped back in time. I saw a couple of friends that I hadn't seen in a while & I said, "Wow! How are you? Where have you been?" Then one said, "We've been here all along, the question is where have you been?" I couldn't help but laugh. That was the question that I had been trying to answer for what seems too too long.

I am extraordinary, if you'd ever get to know me
I am extraordinary, I am just your ordinary
Average every day sane psycho

All week I have been unpacking boxes & trying to figure out where things should go. I had some long hrs at work so that cut into it. Cable was up & running on Tuesday thank goodness. Having my electronic best friend silent hurt my heart. Sleeping somewhere new also takes some getting used to but once again tylenol pm totally helps that. But Wednesday night was a lil harder. I kept waking up every hour on the hour & my dreams were plagued with MRI's & results & ifs & so many other things. Finally it was officially Thursday morning & I turn on the tv to hear the weatherman tell me that we were going to have the best day of the week. 71 degrees! No coat! Hmmmm, I could possibly wear some shorts. As I stepped outside & saw how beautiful it was I couldn't help but think 'God is about to put a smile upon my face.' I made my way to the hospital & met up with Larry. Being that he was there with me when I got the initial news of the tumor last October I was happy that he was going to be here for whatever news I was going to face. The nurse was exceptionally nice & decided to tell me stories of her life while she was poking at my arm. Next was the prep for the MRI. If you have never had an MRI, let me explain this procedure. They give you things to put in your ears & then cover your ears with cloths because of all the noise the machines make. Then you're placed in the machine & depending on what areas need to be examined they start to put your body in it. Being that this was my head, ALL of me went into this machine. Which has always freaked me out because I feel like I'm in a coffin. Knowing that I get slightly scared they gave me this bulb thing to squeeze in case I do indeed get freaked out. Depending on what they're doing, you can be in it for about 30 minutes or more. I had decided that I would start counting how many top 40 hits Mariah & Madonna had to pass the time. Ok, laugh but this can seriously pass the time. I was full on ready to do the same with Janet & others but a weird thing happened. As I lay in it a calmness came over me. For the first time in that machine I fell asleep just after I had got through Mariah's list. In that process I had also let go of the bulb. The next thing I knew, it was over & now all I had to do was wait for the results in a few hrs. Larry & I went for lunch & we chatted about everything from Billboard statistics to how I would feel regarding any news that the dr gave me. Finally, it was time to go back to see the dr. He escorted me back to his office & said ok let me show you the results.

On his computer he had the MRI scan from January & the scan from earlier that morning. I can now see why he didn't initially show me the one from January & why I had to stay on the medication. It did show the places from the tumor & the cysts. It looked kind of scary to me. Then I looked at the new one. There were no longer places from the cysts showing & the place that was the original tumor was a teeny, tiny spot. "Ummmm I'm no MD but this looks good to me," I said. "That's right, you're all healed." I sat there stunned for a moment & then I felt them coming out & I couldn't contain them. Tears. Dammit, now once again I fully understand a new phrase 'Tears of Joy.' It was like I was on an episode of Extreme Makeover Home Edition & Ty was giving me a new house! Then the dr said, "This is good news Nick!" And I yelled, "I Know!!!!!"

Finally it has happened to me
Right in front of my face
My feelings can't describe it
Finally it has happened to me
Right in front of my face
And I just cannot hide it

For months now I have prepped myself repeatedly for news. How would I feel about this? How would I feel about that? I felt like I had went up against some bad odds & came out swinging. I thought about how when they first told me for a moment I was shattered. Now someone was telling me 'Nick Padron, you can have your life back. Stop being afraid.' It's been 6 months & in so many ways it feels so much longer. I remember thinking that April was way too far away. To also have him tell me I can stop taking my medication was literally the cherry on top. I thought about everything I had gone through in this amount of time & for a hot second I felt like it wasn't real. It was almost like all the moments flashed in front of me. Surgery, the hospital, the headaches, the meds that took too much of a toll on me, weight gain, tiredness, & the fear that this could all possibly happen again. Even trying to describe this in this blog, it's like I can't find the appropriate words to describe how I feel. I also think about how I felt from the get go. The defiance I felt about what this was going to do me, the anger I felt that something else was having control. It's funny what one MRI can do. I should write that as a song but somehow I don't see that title at the top of the pop charts. I'm reminded of that movie The Never-Ending Story & how Atreyu overcame the Nothing. Turns out that the Nothing was a bunch of unhappiness trying to take over Fantasia. For way too long I masked unhappiness in drinking & going out & forgetting the night. I don't ever want to forget something again. I don't want to be told of antics or shenanigans that I have done. I don't ever want anything to control me again. In the past few months I have learned I'm just as fabu sober as I am drunk. But, it's no lie that I've been annoyed that I've not been able to have a drink with people because I can't. If I'm not going to drink I want that to be because I don't WANT to drink.

Ok, before you think I have gone nanners & I'm on a rant I just want to say I'm completely happy & April 10th 2008 will be in my memory forever. In ways it marks a rebirth. The tumor may have been a really bad thing, but I also think about how it gave me the kick in the ass that I needed. While I sat in that bed waiting to get better I thought of all the things that I wanted to finish doing. This is just the end to a chapter & I have plenty more stories to tell.