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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Doin It, Doin It, Doin It Well

Another year, another birthday. Excuse me… Nickakah. I swear they come around way too quickly. When I was a kid it seemed like getting older was so far away. Nowadays I walk around the corner & a new age is staring me in the face. It’s a little frightening but as always when it comes around I put my best dancing foot forward & decide to celebrate. And celebrate I definitely do.

This year I started the celebration off by going to the Beacon Theater with Tasia to see one of my favorite groups, Maroon 5. It was a concert that aired on Fuse tv. Originally we were sat way up in the balcony. As anyone knows I normally like to be near the front so this just wouldn’t do. After talking to a few people people & convincing them that we were in the fanclub I got us down to the very front. It should be said…. I’m not in a fanclub but they are one of my most favorite groups so I felt justified. They performed all my favorite songs & Adam even did a few covers like ‘If I Ain’t Got You’ & ‘What’s Love Got To Do With It’. For the next few days I couldn’t stop playing them off of my I-pod & I’m highly looking forward to their new album next month.

I had off that Friday so I went out the night before dancing up a storm. I hung out a lot in the dj booth with Vito & we discussed remixes & divas & boys. Fun times as always & sleeping in that morning was even better. But I couldn’t sleep in too late bc I had a party to plan. Being that I’m in a new bigger apt with roommates that are incredibly cool we decided to have a massive party for all my peeps that would be here in the city. The party went incredibly well. I moved my bed out of my room & my room became the official dance room (an idea I had taken from Scott). We had our living room filled with people who wanted to chat, a hallway with a beer pong table & of course the kitchen was filled with booze. I hadn’t been able to have a house party since ‘07 & this one outdid that one just for space reasons. At it’s peak we had 60 people in the apartment. Initially, I was a little worried about being able to get all my different kinds of folks together but in the end the straights, gays & lesbians got a long wonderfully. I had planned on ending it around 2 & then heading out somewhere but at that point there were still tons of people coming in & out. I deejayed & people danced their ass off & I loved it. My bamboo plant didn’t survive but it’s already been replaced. I had so much fun & the main thing that I wanted was for people to have fun & I’m pretty sure that was accomplished. By 7 am it was down to Scott, me, my roommate & her boyfriend. We finally had to stop dancing & go to sleep.

My next stop on the Nickakah tour was to make my way to Fire Island for all my boys out there. Well, since my party went much later than I expected I didn’t get out there until much later. Feeling so tired we opened up some champaign & the drinking began again. My liver must scream for help during Nickakah, especially when it’s in Fire Island. I don’t know what it is about that place but you gotta bring your A game & be prepared. Through Jordan, Chase & I worked as security for the Pines Party. Which basically meant this time we were at the front when people came in & they would have to show their wrist bands. All the while we were still getting our drink on. After doing this for a few hours we were relieved from our duties & off to dance & drink some more. Off the security shirts came & just in some shorts on the beach it was an awesome time. The music was good & I got to see so many of my friends. At one point I drunkenly stole someone’s disco stick. Yes a disco stick. It may be my favorite new thing. It lights up & kind of reminds me of Evil Lyn from Masters of the Universe & her crystal ball. As a child she was my favorite. So all drunk I had to have it. God help me if I see the guy I took it from out & about. He may clobber me over the head & demand for his disco stick back. Let’s hope not though because I love it.

Once again it was another night where I was up until 7 in the morning. Then by the time I got back to the house there was only a few hours of sleep & we were off to the beach for some sun & more drinks on the beach. By the afternoon baby needed a shower & a apparently a long nap. When it was time to wake up for Tea & more dancing I felt like a zombie going through the motions. Then I don’t know what it was….. ok I do… another vodka drink & I woke up. Dancing on boxes with the boys, seeing couples I had probably made out with, having a great time with my boys Rob, Brad, Phillip, Brian & Frank…. it was another fun night. The party continued at the house for dinner & then some impromptu dances of me & this girl doing the ‘If’ choreography & all the boys singing some Mariah & Moulin Rouge. Yes people it was THAT gay. But I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way & I can’t thank them enough for such a wonderful time.

By the next day we were headed back to the city & when I got home all my body was crying for was sleep! Hmmm this older thing is a little rough. At 23 I would have just kept the party continuing. 11 hours of sleep later I was up & about the house trying to clean my room. I was so glad I had taken vacation days from work because I was in major need of some time away. For the last night of Nickakah I realized that I had not even done a bday cake. So I went to the store & got a chocolate one with chocolate mousse & my roommates & I had a nice little toast. Then I met up with Vadim & a couple other people & we hit up a few bars in HK. Nickakah 2010 came in like a lion & finished the same way. Ok so there needed to be a lot more naps in between but this lion needed it.

Thanks again to everyone who made it a wonderful time. I’m always so thankful to have such good friends in my life. 10 years of Nickakah here in the city & I’m still doin it, doin it, doin it well.